"After suffering with pain in my hip & upper leg for many years & trying various massages, nothing really helped, until visiting Lesley. After asking me about the problem, she immediately found where the problem lay. After two treatment sessions and massaging deeply into individual muscles, some that I didn't even know I had, my muscles felt so much less tight. I left with exercises to do at home & with such a spring in my step, particularly when climbing stairs. Lesley is both friendly & very knowledgeable. What I took away is that pain is not necessarily where the problem lies & you don't need to have a sports injury to see a sports therapist."
LT, 63, active retired woman with hip and leg pain​
“I just wanted to thank you for seeing me so quickly last Monday, and to say that my back pain has virtually disappeared since your treatment. Hopefully, it will last, but if I have any more problems, I will be sure to call you sooner rather than later.”
DJ, 42, Gardener with back pain
“Lesley is a talented expert who's great at spotting the source of your discomfort and helping to fix it. She is good with people and can explain things plainly in simple language. Whatever ache or pain I or my family have ever had, she has been able to make us feel better instantly. She has also teaches us simple exercises and stretches that we can perform at home. Lesley is fair and honest and her prices are always reasonable. I don't hesitate to recommend her to everyone!"
SZ, working mum with 2 boys
“I almost daren’t send this email as I know I’m asking for trouble but…my hip and leg are so much better. I haven’t had spasm down my leg or cramps in my calf muscle for at least a fortnight now. I would like to come back for a ‘check up’ next week though just to be on the safe side.”
JC, 45, Chronic Pain Sufferer
“I was very impressed with how Lesley identified the source of my back problem as this is something I’ve previously seen a couple of other sports physios about. I’ve had problems for nearly a year and there’s a definite improvement after just 4 sessions.”
KH, 44, Marathon Runner
“Hi Lesley, I thought I would just drop you a line to say that my calf muscle is OK now and that I am amazed how quickly I was back to running for one hour on the treadmill. The tennis ball exercises really helped. Thanks again.”
TH, 30, Runner with Calf Pain
“I am now feeling so much better and walking to swimming without giving it a second thought. Thank you so much for your help.”
KD, 60, client who had trouble walking 6 months after bi-malleolar fracture
“I wondered if I could book another session this Friday, as the massage treatment last time did such wonders.”
CK, 30, a handball player recovering from Achilles Tendon rupture with post-rehab pain and stiffness